Home Drama Over & Out

Over & Out

by Tommy

Over & Out: Emotional drama about three old school friends who, in their late 30s, are asked to bury their fourth school friend after her death.

Film plot and background

Emotional drama about three old school friends who in their late 30s are to bury their fourth school friend after her death.

In their school days, the four friends Lea (Jessica Schwarz), Maja (Nora Tschirner), Steffi (Julia Becker) and Toni (Petra Schmidt-Schaller) were inseparable and vowed to go to each other’s wedding party together one day. Almost 20 years later, Maja’s wedding invitation reaches the others. The three of them set off for Italy, where they are in for a nasty surprise.

Maja has long been dead, and instead of celebrating her wedding, it is Maja’s last wish that Steffi, Lea and Toni should bury her body at sea and experience one last adventure together beforehand. However, the three of them have very different expectations of this journey, as their original plans are suddenly completely thrown overboard. But once on the road, they realise what they have in each other and how much life still lies ahead of them. At the same time, they want to pay their last respects to their friend, whom they have lost sight of in recent years. However, a road trip with a dead body is anything but easy.

In the trailer, the three friends are presented with a nasty surprise:

“Over and Out” – background, cast, theatrical release

Comedy meets drama in the new film “Over & Out”. Behind the project is Julia Becker (“Maybe, Baby!”), who not only plays Steffi in the film, but also acted as screenwriter and director.

Filming took place in the late summer of 2021, both in Croatia, Hamburg and Lower Saxony. With stars such as Nora Tschirner (“Wunderschön”), Jessica Schwarz (“Biohackers”) and Petra Schmidt-Schaller (“Leander’s Last Journey”), the drama is cast with outstanding stars.

Over & Out” can be seen in German cinemas from 31 August 2022. The FSK release rated the film from 12 years.

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