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5 years after the Star Wars 8 controversy, Rian Johnson explains how the…

by Tommy

Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi continues to cause debate among fans. Five years after the film’s release, director Rian Johnson shares his take on the film’s ending.
Star Wars 8: The Last Jedi has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. No other film from the star saga has divided fans to such an extent. Especially the handling of Luke Skywalker is a recurring point of contention. Now director and screenwriter Rian Johnson looks back at the controversial episode.

Speaking to Empire, Johnson reveals that he remains very proud of his contribution to the Star Wars universe. Despite the voices picking apart his work since the film’s release, he stands behind all the decisions he made in the wake of The Last Jedi, especially in regards to Luke Skywalker.

Star Wars 8: Rian Johnson on the end of Luke Skywalker

When Episode 8 hit theatres, some fans complained that Johnson didn’t do the legendary Jedi from the original trilogy justice with his interpretation. Now the filmmaker shares his thoughts on the film’s finale.

“For me, the final images of the film don’t deconstruct the myth of Luke Skywalker, they build it up and embrace it. [These images] resist the idea of ‘throwing away the past’ and engage with what the myth is really about and how it will inspire the next generation. When I take something apart, it’s always about getting to something essential that really matters. “

Furthermore, Johnson goes into the meta aspect of the film. The Last Jedi is not only a Star Wars film, but also a film about Star Wars.

“I think it’s impossible for any of us to approach Star Wars without thinking about the fact that it’s a myth that we grew up with and how that myth, that story, has burned itself into us and affected us. The ultimate intention was […] to get to the basic, fundamental power of the myth. And ultimately, I hope the film validates the power of the Star Wars myth in our lives. “

Whether Johnson will return to the Star Wars universe again is currently unclear. His own trilogy, which was announced shortly before the release of Episode 8, is not yet off the table. Currently, however, the project is not making any progress.

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