Home Drama Midday


by Mike

Lunchtime: Drama starring Charly Hübner based on the book, who has to take care of his parents alone in his remote home village.

Film plot and background

Drama with Charly Hübner based on a book, who has to look after his parents alone in their remote home village.

For Ingwer (Charly Hübner), a lecturer from Kiel, the existential question arises as to what he expects from life. In addition, his parents Sönke (Peter Franke) and Ella Feddersen (Hildegard Schmahl) are increasingly dependent on home care. To help them out, he takes a sabbatical and moves back to his home village of Brinkebüll in North Frisia for a year.

However, he has very different memories of the small village. The village school has long since closed, the small farms have given way to large inns, only maize is grown in the fields and the winding roads have given way to motorways. Nevertheless, his parents insist on their inn, which they keep alive with great difficulty so as not to give in completely to the inertia of the countryside. Yet they are only conditionally hospitable to Ginger. For too long he did not show his face in the village or seem interested in their lives. Only slowly is Ginger able to look behind the façade and reveal the true motives for their actions, while at the same time gaining insights into his childhood during the 1970s.

“Noon hour”: background, cast, cinema release

With stars like Charly Hübner (“Magical Mystery”), Peter Frank (“Das Wunder von Bern”) and Hildegard Schmahl (“In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts”), director Lars Jessen adapts the bestseller “Mittagsstunde” by Dörte Hansen about the decline of a village community.

For director Jessen, this is a personal topic, as he himself grew up in a small community in Schleswig-Holstein and witnessed (from a distance) the constant change and loss of tried and tested things since the 1970s.

In the film, this is depicted by looking back at different eras. For example, Lennard Conrad embodies the younger Ingwer, Rainer Bock (“Das Boot”) the younger Sönke and Gabriela Maria Schmeide (“Hannes”) the younger Ella. Also in the cast: Gro Swantje Kohlhof (“Wir sind die Flut”) and Julika Jenkins (“Dark”).

The theatrical release of “Mittagsstunde” is 22 September 2022.

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