Home Dokumentation The snow leopard

The snow leopard

by Dennis

La panthère des neiges: Nature photographer Vincent Munier and writer Sylvain Tesson search for one of the last snow leopards in the Tibetan highlands. Documentary film with enchanting footage.

Film plot and background

Nature photographer Vincent Munier and writer Sylvain Tesson search for one of the last snow leopards in the Tibetan highlands. Documentary film with enchanting shots.

One thought it was long extinct, the other is convinced that you only have to look very closely. Writer Sylvain Tesson sets off for the highlands of Tibet together with nature and wildlife photographer Vincent Munier. There they want to observe snow leopards. Big cats that are among the most endangered species in the world. These big cats, also called irbis or ounce, are loners, shy and live in mountainous regions at an altitude of over 6000 metres.

In their search for the wild animal, the duo has to exercise patience, always pointing their lens where few look. They read the tracks in the mud, always have their binoculars with them and have to learn that you have to camouflage yourself in order not to rock your world. In the course of their arduous days-long search, they have to ask themselves what man’s position on earth is and capture a disappearing world in breathtaking images.

A first impression of the breathtaking images of the nature documentary “The Snow Leopard” can be seen in the trailer:

“The Snow Leopard” – background, cinema release

The French documentary “The Snow Leopard” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival 2021 in the “Cinema for the Climate” section. Enriched with the music of Nick Cave and Warren Ellis, the result was a melancholic film that does not shy away from profound themes.

Both Tesson and Munier put the events in Tibet on paper. Tesson published the non-fiction book “The Snow Leopard”, while Munier captured the breathtaking images for eternity in his illustrated book “Between Rock and Ice”. The duo was accompanied by Marie Amiguet, who was responsible for the direction together with Vincent Munier.

“The Snow Leopard” will be released in German cinemas on 10 March 2022 and is rated 0 years and up.

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