Home Comedy Poolside Sheriff

Poolside Sheriff

by Han

Beckenrand Sheriff: German comedy starring Milan Peschel as a gruff lifeguard who is kept away by guests

Film plot and background

German comedy starring Milan Peschel as a gruff lifeguard who is kept away by guests

The rules of lifeguard Karl (Milan Peschel) are legendary – his gruff manner at the outdoor pool in Grubberg even more so. He has been watching over the bathers as poolside sheriff for 30 years. In recent years, however, the bathers have tended to stay away, which is not only due to Karl’s dismissive manner. The costs are too high, the open-air pool too old, so the mayor (Gisela Schneeberger) considers closing it. The developer Albert Dengler (Sebastian Bezzel) senses his chance and wants to use the site for new flats.

However, ambition grows in Karl: with a petition for a referendum and 600 votes, the closure of the open-air swimming pool could be prevented. He needs help from his new Nigerian apprentice Sali (Dimitri Abold), who is better integrated in the village than Karl himself. Karl has to turn on the charm or at least get the water polo team in shape so that the open-air swimming pool can remain open. The deal: He has to teach Sali how to swim so that he can fulfil his potential as a goalkeeper in the water team. The two lifeguards get unexpected help from Dr. Rieger (Rick Kavanian), Karl’s arch-rival, and ex-professional swimmer Lisa (Sarah Mahita), who gets up close and personal with Sali.

The charming comedy in the trailer:

“Basin Edge Sheriff” – theatrical release, cast, backgrounds

The funny as well as profound German comedy “Beckenrand Sheriff” opens in German cinemas at the end of the outdoor pool season on 9 September 2021.

Director Marcus H. Rosenmüller (“Trautmann”) staged the comedy with wit, charm and a grumpy Milan Peschel (“Der Nanny”) in the leading role. The rest of the cast list reads as follows: Dimitri Abold (“Polizeiruf 110”), Sebastian Bezzel (Eberhofer series), Johanna Wokalek (“Deutschstunde”), Rick Kavanian (“Bullyparade – the Movie”) and Sarah Mahita (“Großstadtrevier”).

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