Home Comedy Summer with Anaïs

Summer with Anaïs

by Dennis

Les amours d’Anaïs: Turbulent comedy about a 30-year-old young woman who relies on her gut instinct when it comes to matters of love.

Film plot and background

Turbulent comedy about a 30-year-old young woman who goes with her gut when it comes to love.

In her early 30s, Anaïs (Anaïs Demoustier) should actually finish her doctorate and enter professional life. But the young woman is impulsive, prefers to live in the moment and doesn’t think much of the conventions of the world. What she really expects from life, however, she does not yet know herself.

Her boyfriend Raoul (Christophe Montenez) breaks up with her, and instead she meets the publisher Daniel (Denis Podalydès), who is enraptured by her from the first moment. He wants to have an intimate affair with her, but does not want to leave his wife Émilie (Valeria Bruni Tedeschi) for it.

After a chance encounter with Émilie, however, the wife is much more interesting to Anaïs than the publisher. So the lively woman ends up in a chateau in Brittany, where Émilie holds a colloquium lasting several days.

“Summer with Anaïs” – background, cast, cinema release

Director and screenwriter Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet doesn’t think much of modern female characters who live their supposed dream lives in their 30s as mothers, career women and a fulfilled marriage. This role model is “improbable and completely unattainable”. Instead, she wants to present an alternative concept with the role of Anaïs. She lives in the here and now, hardly gives a thought to the future and plans for later. Instead, the current feelings count more, which can, however, sometimes offend her fellow human beings.

The director already worked with leading actress Anaïs Demoustier (“Gloria Mundi”) for her short film “Pauline asservie”. “Summer with Anaïs” marks the director’s feature film debut. Other stars are Valerie Bruni Tedeschi (“In the Best of Hands”) and Denis Podalydès (“Online for Beginners”).

“Summer with Anaïs” opens in German cinemas on 14 July 2022.

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