Home Animation After legendary flop: Marvel star Chris Pratt to save Mario’s honour in the

After legendary flop: Marvel star Chris Pratt to save Mario’s honour in the

by Mike

The new Mario movie must restore the reputation of the famous video game. Star Lord and MCU star Chris Pratt helps. Watch the first trailer!

The new Mario movie has been in the works for almost five years. Minions studio Illumination teamed up with Nintendo to put together an animated adaptation to forget the ignominy of the first Super Mario Bros. film. Did that work out? The night saw the release of the first trailer for the next Mario attempt.

Chris Pratt as the voice of the plumber: first trailer for Mario movie

The Super Mario Bros. film relies on the tried and tested ingredients for success of a modern animated film: well-known voice actors such as Chris Pratt (Guardians of the Galaxy) as Mario and Anya Taylor-Joy (The Queen’s Gambit) as Princess Peach, as well as a story and gags that should appeal to several generations at the same time. After all, the heroic plumber Mario is one of the most famous video game characters in history. The Italian has been jumping through jump ‘n’ run worlds since 1985. The new film now has a lot to make up for.

The disaster of the first Mario film

The infamous Super Mario Bros. appeared in cinemas in 1993. With a budget of around 48 million US dollars, which was quite lavish for the time, the computer game world was brought to life. Stars like Dennis Hopper were involved, Alan Silvestri (Back to the Future) composed the music. Super Mario Bros. was a thoroughly ambitious fantasy project, but it was ill-starred. Torn apart by critics, the film only made back US$38.9 million.

Today, the adaptation still enjoys a solid cult status and can even look forward to a SchleFaZ entry.

When does The Super Mario Bros. Movie open in cinemas?

The Super Mario Bros. movie is still a few months away from its theatrical release. You can marvel at the adventure in German cinemas from 23 March 2023 – a date that last proved to be promising for the second part of the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series.

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