Home Drama Cloud under the Roof

Cloud under the Roof

by Tommy

Cloud Under the Roof: Touching family drama starring Frederick Lau about a father-daughter duo coping with the sudden death of their mother in different ways.

Film plot and background

Touching family drama starring Frederick Lau about a father-daughter duo who deal with the sudden death of their mother in different ways.

Everything is perfect as a threesome: the small family of Paul (Frederick Lau), Julia (Hannah Herzsprung) and Lilly (Romy Schroeder) doesn’t need much to be happy. But unfortunately this does not last, because Julia is suddenly snatched from life.

For his daughter, nurse Paul tries to ignore his pain, but is then surprised by her fantasy. Eight-year-old Lilly has her own ideas about death and surprises her father with her findings. Lilly’s biggest secret she only reveals when all seems lost: Julia is still there and lives as a cloud under the roof.

Paul, on the other hand, has completely different worries. When he could lose his job due to a serious mistake, the already fragile family structure in the house threatens to collapse. A sale of the house is on the cards. He finds it hard to accept help, but he is threatened by the daily chores. Perhaps little daughter Lilly, together with the cloud under the roof, will manage to overcome their common grief.

“Cloud under the roof” – background, cast, cinema release

Based on a true story, Frederick Lau (“Nightlife”) and newcomer Romy Schroeder bring the touching father-daughter story of loss and pain, as well as hope and happiness to the big screen. “Cloud Under the Roof” is based on the experiences of screenwriter Chris Silber (“Good Bye Lenin”), whose wife died in 2013. In defiance of Corona, filming was already completed at the end of 2020 under the direction of director Alain Gsponer (“Youth Without God”). Dirk Ahner is responsible for the script.

Other top stars such as Hannah Herzsprung (“Babylon Berlin”), Kida Khodr Ramadan (“4 Blocks”), Barbara Auer (“Transit”) as well as Nicolette Krebitz (“Wild”) and Barbara Meier (“Schwägereltern”) can be seen in other roles. The theatrical release of “Wolke unterm Dach” is on 28 April 2022. The FSK rated the family drama from 12 years.

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