Home Disney Extremely entertaining action cracker on Disney+: this is what a nervous

Extremely entertaining action cracker on Disney+: this is what a nervous

by Albert

Great Punchline Blank shows John Wick as a nervous chatterbox. An action comedy has rarely been so entertaining. The film is now available on Disney+.

What do professional killers actually do when they’re not killing anyone? John Wick (Keanu Reeves) takes care of his dog, Leon (Jean Reno) takes care of his plants. And Martin (John Cusack) attends his ten-year class reunion. Because his psychiatrist advised him to. The result in Grosse Pointe Blank – One Man, One Murder is crazy funny, pretty bloody and more than a little touching. The action comedy is now available on Disney+.

Action cracker at Disney+: Big punchline Blank shows John Wick as a nervous wreck

Martin isn’t feeling it anymore. He used to kill people with a passion, but now the professional killer has lost the taste for it. Depressed, he tells his psychiatrist about it. He urges him to finally return to his hometown of Grosse Pointe after 10 years, make peace with childhood sweetheart Debbie (Minnie Driver) and drink punch with a few old school friends at his high school reunion.

Watch the English trailer for Grosse Pointe Blank here:

Naturally, things get out of hand as both the FBI and Martin’s ruthless competitor Grocer (Dan Aykroyd) dig in his heels. Debbie initially gives him the cold shoulder, and the whole return home threatens to come to a particularly bloody end.

Great punchline Blank feels like someone crossed John Wick with a Woody Allen movie. Spectacular shootouts, touching romantic moments and absurd coincidences are brought to top speed by a terrific script. It’s hard to get enough of Cusack in particular as the neurotic, permanently chattering professional killer.

The film also has a perfect 80s soundtrack, which winkingly refers to the nostalgic theme of the story. Grosse Pointe Blank is 107 minutes of pure entertainment that just never gets boring until the end.

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In the latest edition of our Streamgestöber podcast, we look back at the year’s streaming films so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outdone each other with lavish productions. But which of the films have really succeeded? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming films of 2022.

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