Home Animation The great adventure of the little vampire

The great adventure of the little vampire

by Dennis

Petit vampire: Animated scary fun for kids in which the little vampire makes friends with a human child.

Film plot and background

The little vampire has been just ten years old for over 300 years. Together with his parents and some other monsters he lives in a haunted house, but dreams of finally getting to know the world behind the foundation walls. He wants to go to school and meet children of the same age. His parents have so far forbidden him to do so, saying that the world outside is far too dangerous for a little vampire. Nevertheless, he sneaks away one night with his bulldog Phantomato and actually meets the boy Michael, who wants to be his friend.

But what the little vampire cannot guess: Through his nocturnal adventure, the dreaded Gibbus has picked up the trail of the vampire family. He has been hunting the family for centuries. Now the little vampire must summon up his courage and face the evil enemy with his old and new friends.

“The Little Vampire’s Great Adventure” – background, cinema release

French director and comic book author Joann Sfars reinterpreted the story about the little vampire who makes friends with a human child as a comic book back in 2008. After the success of his first animated film “The Rabbi’s Cat”, which won a César, Sfars now devotes his second animated film to the little vampire.

Since the process from comic book to animated film is not so easy, the director had some scenes re-enacted by actors* in order to have a better template for the movements in the animated film. The film will celebrate its world premiere at the traditional Annecy Animation Film Festival in 2020.

In Germany, “The Great Adventure of the Little Vampire” will be released in cinemas on 9 December 2021. An FSK rating has not yet been determined, but you can probably expect an FSK 6.

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