Home Comedy Who digs the undertaker?

Who digs the undertaker?

by Tommy

Who digs the undertaker in?: Bavarian comedy about a secret competition among undertakers

Film plot and background

Who digs the undertaker? This is the question facing gardener Gert (Tom Kreß), rubbish driver Rudi (Angelika Sedlmeier) and plumber Pat (David Zimmerschied) when their good friend, undertaker Bartl (Uli Bauer), suddenly dies during a heated game of Schafkop. Undertaker Bartl only leaves behind a lot of debts and his student trainee Marina.

The mayor of Greisendorf demands that the three friends bury the undertaker as quickly as possible so that no one notices Bartl’s death, especially not his colleague from the neighbouring village of Neubrunn. Because there is a dubious secret competition between the undertakers in the two communities. They are competing for the future resting place of Mrs. Gaby Gruber. This record-breaking 114-year-old silent film icon lives right between the two villages, and both Greisendorf and Neubrunn have high hopes for her passing. After all, Frau Gruber is already attracting a lot of attention in the media and neither village wants to miss out on the chance of having a pilgrimage site that is attractive to tourists. So Gert, Rudi and Pat do everything they can to find a new undertaker and at the same time pay their last respects to Bartl both secretly and with dignity.

“Who digs the undertaker” – background, cast, cinema release

Tanja and Andreas Schmidbauer directed “Wer gräbt den Bestatter ein”. The makers of the successful comedy “Hinterdupfing” created another macabre comedy with jokes and charm packed in Bavarian dialect with their new film. The leading roles are played by Tom Kreß (“Hinterdupfing”) , Angelika Sedlmeier (“Zwei am großen See”), David Zimmerschied (“Die Frau des Polizisten”) and Uli Bauer (“Austreten”).

“Wer gräbt den Bestatter ein” will be shown in German cinemas from 03 November 2022.

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