Home Comedy Dreams are like wild tigers

Dreams are like wild tigers

by Han

Dreams are like wild tigers: German children’s film about the young Indian Ranji who wants to make a career in Bollywood but has to emigrate to Germany with his family.

Film plot and background

For 13-year-old Ranji (Shan Robitzky), Bollywood is the greatest thing. He lives with his parents Sunil (Murali Perumal) and Kalinda (Sushila Sara Mai) in Mumbai. Together with his grandfather Daada (Irshad Panjatan), he watches the shooting of the latest Bollywood film of his great idol Amir Roshan. For Ranji it is clear: one day he wants to dance in a Bollywood film alongside Amir and stand in front of the camera. But this dream initially becomes a distant memory when his father Sunil gets a job in Germany. The whole family moves to Berlin and Ranji seems deadly sad.

While still on the flight to Germany, Ranji learns that a big children’s casting is to take place for Amir’s new film. He has to submit his application video within four days, otherwise his big dream will be over. He receives unexpected help in Germany from his neighbour Toni (Annlis Krischke), whose parents are in the middle of an unpleasant separation. While Ranji is still looking for a connection at school, he does everything he can to meet the deadline for the audition and perhaps realise his big dream after all. In the process, it turns out that the best way to move mountains is with two.

“Dreams are like wild tigers” – background, cast, cinema release

The new film “Träume sind wie wilde Tiger” (Dreams are like wild tigers) emerged from the initiative “Der besondere Kinderfilm” (The special children’s film), which is committed to realising original material for children’s and family films. The first draft of the screenplay by Ellen Schmidt was already convincing, the book was further developed with the help of Sathyan Ramesh, Murmel Clausen and director Lars Montag and finally staged.

The main roles are played by Shan Robitzsky and Annlis Krischke, with stars such as Anne Ratte-Polle, Simon Schwarz and Herbert Knaup taking on other roles. The theatrical release of “Dreams are like wild tigers” is 3 February 2022.

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