Home Drama Mia and the white lion

Mia and the white lion

by Tommy

Mia et le lion blanc: Touching adventure film for the whole family about the relationship between a girl and a white lion who embark on a dangerous journey.

Plot and background

The world comes crashing down for ten-year-old Mia (Daniah de Villiers) when her parents (Langley Kirkwood and Mélanie Laurent) decide to move from London to South Africa. Father John wants to take over a lion breeding farm there. But Mia really just wants to stay in London and be with her friends. Then John surprises the whole family when he brings home a white lion cub one day. Immediately, an intimate friendship develops between Mia and the white lion Charlie.

Mia and Charlie grow up together for three years – in the meantime, the cuddly baby of yesteryear is a full-grown predator and, despite getting used to Mia, a real danger to her and her brother (Ryan McLennan). When Mia finds out that her father has decided to sell Charlie to a shady businessman (Brandon Auret), she takes off with the lion. Together they make their way to a wildlife sanctuary where Charlie could live in safety.

“Mia and the white lion” – backgrounds

French director Gilles de Maistre (“The First Scream”) has achieved a small sensation with his first feature film. For the spectacular shots in “Mia and the White Lion” he has completely dispensed with trick technology and computer-generated effects. Instead, the scenes showing actress Daniah de Villiers and the white lion on the screen are actually real.

These sensational shots were made possible above all by animal conservationist and lion trainer Kevin Richardson, who constantly accompanied the filming. But a basic prerequisite for this was also that young actress Daniah de Villiers spent a lot of time with the lion. Within three years, the two have grown together and built up a real relationship, which is portrayed in the film in great pictures – an extraordinary film experience not only for the little ones!

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