Home Comedy Just something nice for a change

Just something nice for a change

by Tommy

Einfach mal was Schönes: Comedy starring Karoline Herfurth, who decides to take family planning into her own hands without a man, but her chaotic family and an unplanned love affair threaten to jeopardise her plan.

Plot and background

Karla (Karoline Herfurth) is fed up with the search for her dream man. One failed date follows the next, but her biological clock is ticking and so, before her 40th birthday, Karla decides to take matters into her own hands. Through artificial insemination, the radio presenter wants to become pregnant completely independently of a partner.

But Karla has not reckoned with her eccentric family. Her sisters Jule (Nora Tschirner) and Johanna (Milena Tscharntke), as well as her parents (Ulrike Kriener and Herbert Knauf) have strong opinions about Karla’s unusual family planning. Karla’s already complicated relationship with her family is thus put to the test. Most of all, however, an unforeseen whirlwind romance with the much younger Ole (Aaron Altaras) turns Karla’s life upside down.

Family chaos reigns in the trailer:

Karoline Herfurth (“SMS für dich”) breathes humour and life into the comedy as director and leading actress in front of and behind the camera. This is Herfurth’s fourth feature film direction. With “Sweethearts” and “Wunderschön” she has already created other humorous films about strong women.

Herfurth is joined by a number of top-class acting stars. Ulrike Kriener (“Männer”) and Herbert Knauf (“Die Sieger”) want to give Karla good advice as her parents, while her own family presents a rather chaotic family picture. Jasmin Shakeri (“The Magic Flute – Das Vermächtnis der Zauberflöte”), as Karla’s good friend, provides the greatest support in her endeavour. Young actor Aaron Altaras (“Unorthodox”) plays the role of Ole, who falls head over heels in love with the older Karla, without suspecting anything about her planned pregnancy.

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