Home New in Cinema Who Am I – No System is Safe

Who Am I – No System is Safe

by Albert

Who Am I – No System is Safe: High-profile cyber thriller starring Tom Schilling and “Fack ju Göhte” star Elyas M’Barek as top hackers who are targeted by the police.

Plot and background

Tom Schilling and Elyas M’Barek go among the hackers in “Who Am I” and dive into a world in which data and systems can plunge an entire society into the abyss. In 2014, Berlin is a dreary place. Benjamin (Tom Schilling) spends his time in front of the computer, hacking his way through the World Wide Web. In this virtual world he also meets Max (Elyas M’Barek).

It doesn’t take long for Benjamin to make the acquaintance of Max’s buddies Stephan (Wotan Wilke Möhring) and the paranoid Paul (Antoine Monot Jr.) and together they form the hacker group CLAY (for Clowns Laughing At You). Their plan is not to usurp world domination, but to use the internet as a playground to attract attention in the net community. This works more than excellently and many users sympathise with the group and celebrate them for their anarchic approach. Benjamin has found his world and is living his dream, because everything seems to be taking a turn for the better in his private life, too.

The hackers become more and more courageous and risk more and more, but suddenly they go one step too far. Fun turns into deadly seriousness, because without warning they are on the police’s wanted list and suddenly the virtual world becomes hard reality. The plan was actually just a bit of fame and recognition, but Benjamin now has to take the legs in his hands, because the secret service is already on his heels. Benjamin becomes one of the most wanted hackers in the world and his life changes forever.

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