Home Animation The Tiny Ones 2 – Adventures in the Caribbean

The Tiny Ones 2 – Adventures in the Caribbean

by Dennis

Minuscule 2: Les mandibules du bout du monde: In the sequel to the family-friendly animated film, the ladybird and the black ant take an involuntary trip to the Caribbean.

Plot and background

The cute tiny creatures are back! After the ladybird and the black ant had to fight a battle against the red ants in their first part, this time an adventure in the Caribbean is on the agenda. Because when the ladybird’s son accidentally falls into a cardboard box in a chestnut factory, he is shipped to the Caribbean. Immediately, the father sets out together with the black ant to save his son.

On the way, the two cute insects experience many great adventures and encounter a ravenous shark, for example. Meanwhile, the ladybird’s son has to find his way around an island in a completely new environment with new animals. But when the island’s beaches are threatened by a major construction project, the animals must work together to avert the impending destruction of nature.

“The Tiny Ones 2 – Adventures in the Caribbean” – Backgrounds

Based on the series of the same name, the directing duo Hélène Giraud and Thomas Szabo released the animated film “The Tiny Ones – Operation Sugar Bowl” in 2013. The cute family film with an environmentally friendly message combined computer-animated insects with real film scenes of natural panoramas to create a spectacular whole. A sequel is coming to cinemas in 2019 with “The Tiny Ones 2 – Adventures in the Caribbean” (original title: “Minuscule – Les Mandibules du Bout du Monde”).

Hélène Giraud and Thomas Szabo are once again responsible for the second part. Together they tell a great adventure for the whole family in which even the very young can take part and learn something new about the fascinating world of insects.

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