Home Disney “The Net – Power Play” on Disney+: After “Prometheus” comes another one

“The Net – Power Play” on Disney+: After “Prometheus” comes another one

by Mike

“The Net” will be spun on after “Game on the Edge” and “Prometheus”: The extraordinary series dealing with the darker side of professional football will be joined by “Power Play” – on Disney+!

The 2023 World Cup seems to be quite different from any other tournament before it. On the one hand, of course, this is already due to the fact that the games take place in the European winter, on the other hand, it is due to this year’s venue: Qatar. Even die-hard football fans are now watching their favourite sport with concern and the World Cup is accompanied by numerous critical voices that show what is going wrong in the industry.

The fictional series in the “Das Netz” series, which includes the ARD production “Spiel am Abgrund” and the Austrian project “Prometheus”, are also dedicated to the dark side of professional sport. While “Spiel am Abgrund” deals with corrupt machinations and scandals of the big football associations, “Prometheus” tells a thrilling story about doping.

Both productions are part of an international series event – a project that has never existed before. Those who have already seen the 16 episodes in total and want more don’t have to wait much longer:


The sequel has in fact already been produced! From 14 December 2022, the third “Das Netz” production “Power Play” can be streamed – on Disney+. Until now, the Italian series was only available on Italian television and on ServusTV’s Austrian streaming platform and thus not particularly accessible to the German audience. Soon the six episodes will then be easily streamable.

And what is “Power Play” about? About a traditional Italian club that has been revered and celebrated by football fans for decades, but is getting into financial trouble. So it is decided to sell shares to a Chinese investor. But with the sale, figures are brought onto the scene who put both the club and its employees in danger. Suddenly, the club is no longer about football, but only about money. Mafia-like structures threaten to destroy everything…

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