Home Netflix Soon away from Netflix: Jennifer Lopez is letting her younger self go.

Soon away from Netflix: Jennifer Lopez is letting her younger self go.

by Albert

Netflix is once again clearing the decks and rotating its streaming catalogue. In the process, some high-calibre titles such as “Call Me By Your Name” and “District 9” are lamentably being dropped from the programme.

On Netflix, the already gigantic streaming catalogue is expanded daily with new films. But in return, films also fly out of the programme on a weekly basis. Originals like “The Irishman” or “Nothing New in the West” are of course not affected by this, licensed titles, on the other hand, are only available from the big red N for a certain period of time. That’s why we regularly inform you when interesting titles disappear from Netflix.

All the films we present to you individually below are only available on Netflix up to and including 30 November! Meanwhile, the comedy “Catch Me” with Jeremy Renner will be withdrawn from the programme on 28 November. “Saw”, “Saw II” and “Saw III” will see their Netflix farewell as early as 27 November.

“District 9” (4 out of 5 stars): Neill Blomkamp’s sci-fi actioner is one of the absolute genre highlights of the last 15 years. Blomkamp, who would never again manage to approach the quality of “District 9”, not only provides high tension, but also plenty of political dynamite.

“Cloverfield” (3.5 out of 5 stars): Hardly any other film was so eagerly awaited in 2008 as Matt Reeves’ “Cloverfield”. One of the best marketing campaigns of all time was also to blame. In addition, the sci-fi survival thriller is also quite convincing and can still provide one or two adrenaline rushes today.

“Call Me By Your Name” (4.5 out of 5 stars): For many, “Call Me By Your Name” is one of the great masterpieces of recent years, for us it is definitely one of the most beautiful love stories ever. A film that invites its audience to let themselves drift, to return once again to the state of being in love. Beautiful and deeply touching.

“Maniac” (3.5 out of 5 stars): For many years, William Lustig’s “Maniac” was on the Index, earning it a rakish reputation. In the meantime, the shocker is available everywhere with an FSK-18 release. Nevertheless, this drastic serial killer thriller has it all. Especially atmospherically, “Maniac” is still an absolutely unpleasant blast.

“Public Enemies”: Yes, it’s not one of the highlights of Michael Mann’s oeuvre (“Heat”). But if you want to see a gangster film with an excellent cast, including Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard, then this is the film for you. But beware: the digital aesthetics take some getting used to.

“Butterfly Effect” (3 out of 5 stars): For many, “Butterfly Effect” is certainly associated with nostalgic feelings, as many watched the mystery time travel drama in their youth. Today, one has to admit that the film is by no means as clever as one thought back then. But it is still entertaining – and Ashton Kutcher’s attempt to be recognised as a serious actor is an experience in itself.

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