Home Drama Three Winters

Three Winters

by Han

Drii Winter: Relationship drama about a couple whose love is put to the test because of the man’s brain tumour

Plot and background

A small village in the middle of the Swiss Alps is the home of Anna (Michèle Brand) and Marco (Simon Wisler). The couple is at the beginning of their marriage, their love and affection for each other seems immeasurable. While the village community initially expresses scepticism as to whether the couple could last – after all, Marco comes from the lowlands and is an outsider – the marriage is consummated.

Fate, however, does not mean well for them. Marco is diagnosed with a brain tumour that makes his nature unpredictable. The couple’s life together is put to the test, and the community plays its part. Can their love pass the test, or is failure foreseeable beforehand?

“Three Winters” – background, cast, cinema release

Born in Switzerland, director Michael Koch stages a social drama in square images that captures modern life in the Swiss Alps. Only the two main actors Michèle Brand and Simon Wisler are actors. The rest of the community are amateur actors who live in the canton of Uri.

Filming took place between March and December 2020 on the original locations directly on the shores of the Lake of Uri in Switzerland. “Drii Winter”, the original title, is Michael Koch’s second film and is directed entirely in Swiss German. His debut film “Marija” (2016) was already shown at major film festivals around the world. “Drei Winter” competed in the competition of the Berlinale 2022 and was considered there by the trade press as a contender for the Golden Bear, the most important prize of the festival. In the end, the jury honoured it with an honourable mention for best outstanding artistic achievement.

“Three Winters” opens in German cinemas on 15 December 2022.

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