Home Comedy A Triumph

A Triumph

by Tommy

Un triomphe: French comedy starring Kad Merad as a penniless actor who takes charge of a prison theatre group

Plot and background

Étienne (Kad Merad) is an actor by passion. But unfortunately there is a lack of good role offers, which is why he decides out of necessity to take over the management of a prison theatre troupe. Together with the inmates, Étienne wants to stage “Waiting for Godot”, of all things, because the inmates undoubtedly know a thing or two about waiting. The new director is astonished when he discovers what great acting talents are represented in the group. Étienne is hopeful that he can make more out of his new job, and the play also has a touching effect on the prisoners who are trapped in their dull everyday lives. In the end, the group even tries to put on a performance outside the prison walls.

“A Triumph” – cast, background, theatrical release

The comedy by director Emmanuel Courcol (“Welcome”) is based on true events. The Swedish actor and director Jan Jönson actually rehearsed the play Waiting for Godot with inmates from the maximum security prison Kumla in 1985. On the day of the public premiere in Gothenburg, five of his actors disappeared without a trace.

With “A Triumph”, French filmmaker Emmanuel Courcol continues his successful directorial work. The renowned actor and screenwriter Kaddour “Kad” Merad (“The Children of Monsieur Mathieu”) slips into the leading role of the passionate actor and theatre lover Étienne. Marina Hands (“Lady Chatterley”) plays an extraordinary prison warden. Laurent Stocker (“Zusammen ist man weniger allein”), Sofian Khammes (“Schwarm der Schrecken”), Pierre Lottin (“Die Tuschs – Mit Karacho nach Monaco!”), David Ayala, Wabinlé Nabié (“Night Ride”), Lamine Cissokho and Saïd Benchnafa were in front of the camera in other roles.

The comedy was selected for competition at the 2020 Cannes Film Festival and was awarded the prize for Best Comedy of the Year at the 33rd European Film Awards ceremony.

From 15 December 2022, “A Triumph” will be shown in German cinemas.

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