Home Thriller Mulholland Drive (Best of Cinema)

Mulholland Drive (Best of Cinema)

by Mike

Mulholland Drive: Gritty movie nightmare about two contrasting women on the trail of a mystery on the dark side of the dream factory.

Plot and background

“Mulholland Drive” is an enigmatic psychological thriller by director David Lynch and tells the story of a woman who has lost her memory after an accident and is searching for her identity.

One night a car accident occurs on Mulholland Drive in the hills of Los Angeles and only the distraught Rita (Laura Harring) survives. She can’t remember what happened and has no idea who she herself even is. Distraught and befuddled, she staggers through nocturnal Los Angeles until she finally discovers the house of an elderly lady, into which she disappears unnoticed. Completely alienated, Rita lies down in the strange bed and only wakes up again when the homeowner’s niece opens the bedroom door.

The niece’s name is Betty (Naomi Watts) and she dreams of a big career as an actress in the Hollywood dream factory. Rita confesses to her that she has illegally gained access to her current quarters and doesn’t know who she is. Betty’s curiosity is immediately aroused and the somewhat naive, but all the more enthusiastic young woman would like to help her new acquaintance and find out what happened in Rita’s past.

The two women set off in search of clues and begin by inspecting Rita’s handbag. In it they find a blue key and a pile of cash. This doesn’t really help them, but slowly some fragments of Rita’s memory come to light and she remembers the name Diane Selvyn. Later, more details come to light, which not only put Rita’s identity in a completely different light, but also Betty’s.

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