Home Disney Netflix simply stamps mega-project with Scarlett Johansson, but it

Netflix simply stamps mega-project with Scarlett Johansson, but it

by Tommy

No sooner does the Netflix film Paris Paramount with Scarlett Johansson cause a stir than the streaming service pulls the plug on the project. The reason for this: the gigantic budget.

Just last week we reported on Paris Paramount. Nancy Meyers’ new film made headlines because the director, known for RomComs, asked the streaming service for a budget of 150 million US dollars. The status at the time: Netflix was willing to invest 130 million US dollars.

For a romantic comedy, this sum is quite unusual. But Paris Paramount also sounded like the ultimate Nancy Meyers film, her The Irishman in a sense. For the leading roles, she managed to get big names like Scarlett Johansson, Penélope Cruz, Owen Wilson and Michael Fassbender.

Paris Paramount: Netflix cancels new Nancy Meyers romcom with Scarlett Johansson

The conflict over the budget, however, could not be put aside. Based on a report from Variety , Netflix has pulled the plug on the hotly anticipated project. Meyers insisted on the budget she had requested. However, the streaming service was adamant it would not exceed $130 million.

You can watch the trailer for the latest Nancy Meyers RomCom here:

This is a bitter defeat, but there is still a glimmer of hope on the horizon. After Netflix backs out, the team behind Paris Paramount wants to look at other studios. The only question is who would invest such a substantial budget in a RomCom if not a Hollywood disrupter like Netflix.

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