Home Thriller John Wick

John Wick

by Mike

John Wick: Breathless revenge thriller about a feared killer who is plucked out of retirement by the crazed son of a Russian mob godfather.

Plot and background

John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is devastated: the former mafia hitman gave up his former life of crime five years ago because he fell in love with a woman. Now Helen (Bridget Moynahan) has died of an undiagnosed illness and there is an inner emptiness inside him that threatens to consume John bit by bit. But then he receives a last message from his wife, together with a cute little dog named Daisy. With this parting gift, Helen wants to help her husband overcome his grief over the loss and at the same time leave a memory of their time together.

At first John has little interest in the four-legged friend, his grief just runs too deep, but then he develops a relationship with Daisy and his wife’s plan seems to work. While out for a spin in his beloved vintage ’69 Mustang Mach 1, John encounters three Russian gang members whose leader Iosef (Alfie Allen) shows interest in the car and makes him an offer to buy it. When John refuses and answers a snide remark from the gangster in Russian, he has no idea what he will trigger: the three follow him home and break into his house during the night to teach him a lesson and steal his car.

In the process, they attack the completely surprised John and he has to watch helplessly as his newly acquired animal friend is killed before his eyes. A big mistake, because John Wick was not just some stooge in the Russian mafia, but the best killer the influential crime boss Viggo Tarasov (Michael Nyqvist) ever had. And this killer now only has revenge in mind.

Hard-hitting action film with Keanu Reeves directed by former stunt men.

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