Home Animation Royal Corgi – The Queen’s favorite

Royal Corgi – The Queen’s favorite

by Mike

The Queen’s Corgi: Rex, the Queen’s favorite corgi, unexpectedly falls out of favor and flies out of the palace. Now he must fend for himself on the streets of London

Plot and background

As part of the British royal family, Corgi Rex leads a life of luxury. Already as a puppy he came as a gift from Prince Philip to the palace and conquered the heart of the Queen by storm – the long-established dogs played from then on only second fiddle.

With his airs and graces, the cheeky and spoiled dog with the short legs drives the entire staff and especially Prince Philip crazy. As soon as the Queen enters the room, however, he shows his cuddly side again and puts on a sugary sweet face.

At an important banquet with U.S. President Trump, of all things, Corgi Rex once again gets into mischief with the president. As a result, he also falls out of favor with the Queen. After this mishap, Rex finds himself surrounded by strays on the streets of London.

But Rex doesn’t give up so quickly: Together with his new companions, he trains for the arduous journey back to the palace. An adventurous odyssey with dangers around every corner begins!

What Rex doesn’t know is that his supposed death is already being mourned in the royal palace. To regain his place in the Queen’s heart, he must not only fight his way through the city, but also take on rival Charlie. The latter has used the favorable opportunity and in the meantime illegally seized the Corgi throne…

In the trailer you can already get an impression of Corgi Rex and his friends:

“Royal Corgi” – backgrounds

Ben Stassen and Vincent Kesteloot, makers of such films as “Bigfoot Junior,” “Robinson Crusoe” and “Sammy’s Adventures,” came together again to work on “Royal Corgi” and present us with an exciting animated adventure film for the whole family.

The four-legged friends are voiced by Patrick Baehr (Rex), Paula Schramm (Wanda), Gedeon Burkhard (Tyson) and Constanin von Jascheroff (Jack), among others.

“Royal Corgi” will be released in German cinemas on May 01, 2019.

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