Home Drama Django Unchained

Django Unchained

by Mike

Django Unchained: Quentin Tarantino’s hard-hitting western epic starring Jamie Foxx as a former slave who joins Christoph Waltz on a bloody vendetta against plantation owner Leo DiCaprio.

Plot and background

In the southern states of the USA, slavery is still common practice shortly before the Civil War. The black population is exploited without scruples and sent for hard physical labor in the fields of rich landowners to work for their masters. Many do not survive these ordeals. Django (Jamie Foxx) also meets this fate and is offered for sale at a slave auction together with his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington). But the buyer can’t afford both of them together, so they are separated. From then on, Django has only one goal in mind: to see his wife again by any means possible and to take her in his arms.

While transporting some slaves, he crosses the path of former dentist and current bounty hunter Dr. Schultz (Christoph Waltz), who buys him but treats him as a free man. Django is given his own horse and a gun and is supposed to help the bounty hunter identify wanted criminals. In return for his services, Dr. Schultz wants to help him find his beloved wife. After a brief firearms training session, the duo set out together not only to apprehend the criminals, but also to track down Broomhilde.

Quickly, the first hot lead emerges. His wife is said to be at Candyland, the magnificent residence of the charismatic and exceedingly dangerous Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). They devise a plan to gain Candie’s trust in order to gain access to the farm and free Broomhilde. But Candie’s house slave Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson) sees through their plan and events spiral out of control.

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