Home Netflix Canceled Netflix fantasy series continues as movie trilogy – but it’s

Canceled Netflix fantasy series continues as movie trilogy – but it’s

by Dennis

The Netflix series “Warrior Nun” has been saved – and will continue not as a series, but in the form of (at least!) three movies. Fantastic news, then, for all fans, but there is also a downer…

Already at the end of June 2023, “Warrior Nun” creator Simon Barry announced on Twitter that fans’ long and vocal protest against the Netflix cancellation had been crowned with success. “Warrior Nun” would therefore continue in some form. But only a month and a half later, there are now new details about it: As producer Dean English announced in a statement on YouTube and a specially set up website, “Warrior Nun” will be continued as a film trilogy – and that may even be just the beginning.

In the statement, English once again thanked the many, many fans of the Netflix series for their great commitment, which made the rescue of “Warrior Nun” possible in the first place. In addition, English referred to the strikes of the screenwriting and acting unions in Hollywood, because of which there can unfortunately be no further announcements on this front at this time – means in plain English:

English is not yet allowed to announce which writers and actors will be involved in the “Warrior Nun” films due to the strict strike rules. However, it is possible that verbal agreements have already been made. You can watch the video here:

However, English does make one promising announcement in his statement, “Does this possibly mean that there will be an entire ‘Warrior Nun’ universe that could be expanded into movies and TV series following characters we already know? The answer to that is yes. And there will be more details soon. “


So much for the good news, but now for the already threatened bad news: the “Warrior Nun” trilogy, as well as any other movies and series that may grow out of it, will almost certainly not be available on Netflix. This is reported by the US industry magazines The Hollywood Reporter and TVLine, among others.

So fans will have to be prepared to experience the new adventures of Ava (Alba Baptista) and co. on another platform, although at this early stage it is not yet clear how and by what means the “Warrior Nun” films will be released instead – i.e. in theaters or on linear television or on another streaming service.

However, it will be some time before that happens anyway, since the current strikes are completely paralyzing Hollywood. So our guess is that the first of the announced “Warrior Nun” movies will be released at the end of 2024 at the earliest, but more likely in the course of 2025.

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