Home Netflix “One Piece” continues to run strongly on Netflix – but the record is made by

“One Piece” continues to run strongly on Netflix – but the record is made by

by Mike

With not outstanding, but still really strong numbers on Netflix “One Piece” nourishes the fan hope for a second season. But the sensation of the week is provided by a German series!

Netflix has again presented its weekly charts. Unsurprisingly, “One Piece” leads them. In the numbers measured for the week of September 4-10, the anime adaptation tops all Netflix titles with 19.3 million global views. This is another 800,000 views more than the launch week, but it’s not such a surprising increase either. After all, a full week with all seven days has now been measured for the first time.

In the launch week, three days were still missing due to the release on a Thursday and the measurement from Monday to Sunday. In a total of 93 countries around the world, “One Piece” is now even in the top 10, in the bulk of them (in over 70 countries) even on the first place of the series charts for the whole week.


The very stable numbers so far could well serve as a signal to Netflix that enough fans are clamoring for a second season to justify it. However, it is still possible that the course of the next few weeks will be observed, because it is also clear that the result is strong, but far from outstanding.

Thus, “One Piece” is clearly behind the figures of the most successful Netflix series hits. It would almost take a miracle for “One Piece” to enter the top 10 of the most successful Netflix series to date. The spin-off “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” currently ranked tenth, was in its second week with about 25 million views, just as it was in its first week, well ahead of “One Piece. “


As another series is already threatening to overtake “One Piece” – and it even comes from Germany. The dark thriller series “Dear Child” collected a sensational 10.2 million views in its launch week. The numbers are so remarkable because the series didn’t launch until Thursday, so it had just four days to do so. And it’s a German-language series, so it should actually have a harder time internationally.

But the opposite has been the case so far. In 84 countries, the mini-series is already in Netflix’s series top 10 – in eight countries, it’s even in first place on the series weekly charts. Most notably, the thriller production based on a bestseller by Romy Hausmann has set a record.


No German-language Netflix series has ever launched with such good numbers. “Liebes Kind” has thereby overtaken the previous record holder “Die Kaiserin” not only in views, but even in the old metric of hours watched. According to both measurements, it is thus the most successful German-language series launch of all time. This record, however, must come with a bit of an asterisk.

When earlier German series hits like “Dark” or “Barbarians” launched, Netflix didn’t publish any numbers yet. The worldwide start views and hours of these titles are unknown. Based on the general development of Netflix figures, however, it cannot be assumed that they are ahead of “Liebes Kind.” So it can be said with a very high degree of certainty that even older series will not change the record for “Dear Child. “

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