Home Dokumentation Checker Tobi and the journey to the flying rivers

Checker Tobi and the journey to the flying rivers

by Tommy

Checker Tobi und die Reise zu den fliegenden Flüssen: Second feature film about the adventures of the popular KiKA presenter Tobi, who is sent on an exciting adventure trip around the world by a locked treasure chest.

Plot and background

When Tobi (Tobias Krell) receives a locked treasure chest one day, his curiosity is aroused: What could be hiding in the mysterious box? But the only key is held by Marina (Marina M. Blanke) – an adventurous circumnavigator and Tobi’s best friend from childhood. Without knowing where exactly Marina hangs out, Tobi sets off on a search and his biggest adventure yet. First Tobi’s journey takes him to Vietnam, to the largest cave in the world, then to the famous Halong Bay with its thousands of limestone islands, across the stormy South China Sea, to the Mongolian steppe, where he meets nomads, and finally to the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, where he ends up with indigenous people. In all his adventures, Tobi never loses sight of his goal. He does everything he can to solve the riddle of the treasure chest and find the mysterious flying rivers.

The trailer promises a documentary adventure film to amaze, reflect and laugh for young and old:

“Checker Tobi and the journey to the flying rivers” – background, cast, cinema release

After the popular KiKa presenter Tobias Krell enjoyed great success at the box office in 2019 with his first cinema adventure “Checker Tobi und das Geheimnis unseres Planeten” (Checker Tobi and the Secret of our Planet) with over 500,000 viewers, the second exciting documentary about the adventurer is now coming to the big screen with “Checker Tobi und die Reise zu den fliegenden Flüssen”. Checker Tobi has been a permanent part of KiKA’s programming since 2013 and in its eponymous programme brings children closer to various wonders of nature and foreign cultures in a playful way. The series, which comprises more than 100 episodes, has already won many awards, and in 2017 “Checker Tobi” received a nomination for the Grimme Prize.

Johannes Honsell took a seat in the director’s chair and is also responsible for the script of the sequel. Alongside Tobias Krell is Marina M. Blanke as his adventurous best friend. The presenter and actor Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (“Der Schwarm”) slips into the role of the postman. Furthermore, as in the first part, several experts were in front of the camera to help Tobi during his various stops. These include the cave expert Xuan-An Amy Truong, the guide in Mongolia Bayartuul Lundeg, the rainforest guide Lucas Landau, the translator Anne Essel, the Jupaú leader Bitate Uru Eu Wau Wau and the cloud researcher Mira Pöhlker.

“Checker Tobi und die Reise zu den fliegenden Flüssen” opens in German cinemas on 5 October 2023 without age restriction.

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