Home Comedy Best Men

Best Men

by Mike

Witnesses to the marriage: German comedy in which two fundamentally different witnesses to the marriage have to get together despite all their differences of opinion in order to save their friends’ wedding.

Plot and background

Marie (Almila Bagriacik) and Jakob (Edin Hasanovic) work on two ends of the same business. While she saves relationships as a successful couples therapist, he ends them as a divorce lawyer. Other than that, the two don’t have much in common, except for the fact that they are both facing each other as best men for their best friends Ruth (Cristina do Rego) and Tobi (László Branko Breiding). But it quickly becomes clear that this best man job entails a lot of responsibility, as Ruth is heavily pregnant and Tobi is incapacitated after a climbing accident, leaving the entire wedding planning up to their fundamentally different friends* Marie and Jakob.

But what can go wrong when a warm-hearted, self-sacrificing, chaotic romantic meets a reluctant, cynical success lawyer who thinks divorce is a law of nature. That a dove has to die is just the beginning, as far more than just a wedding is at stake.

The official trailer for “Best Man” shows the first chaotic scenes of the funny exchange of blows:

“Groomsmen” – background, cast, theatrical release

With the romantic comedy “Trauzeugen” Finn Christoph Stroeks and Lena May Graf make their directorial debut.

In the leading roles of the German comedy, Almila Bagriacik (“4 Blocks”) as couples therapist Marie and Edin Hasanovic (“Nur Gott kann mich richten”) as divorce lawyer Jakob work with and against each other to save their best friends’ wedding. At her side, Cristina do Rego (“Türkisch für Anfänger”) and László Branko Breiding (“Start the fck up”) play the bride and groom. The other cast members include Iris Berben (“The First Name”) as Dr. Kober, Nilam Farooq (“My Blind Date with Life”) and cult comedian Kurt Krömer.

“Trauzeugen” opens in German cinemas on September 14, 2023.

We met the leading actor Edin Hasanovic for an interview:

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