Home Comedy The most boring school in the world – On a class trip

The most boring school in the world – On a class trip

by Tommy

The most boring school in the world – On a class trip: German family film in which a school class experiences an unexpected adventure on an initially dull class trip.

Plot and background

Maxe (Lucas Herzog) is a student at what must be the most boring school in the world. When his dreaded principal Schnittlich (Max Giermann) plans to seize power over more schools with the help of his “rulebook of prohibitions”, cheeky Maxe is a thorn in his side and so he sends his whole class with strict teacher Frau Penne on a class trip to the pampas. Thanks to the help of the unusual inspector Rasputin Rumpus (Serkan Kaya) from the boredom-fighting authority, the class trip suddenly and unexpectedly turns into a great adventure after all, but the kids don’t have much time to prevent their principal’s crazy plan.

The first teaser trailer shows glimpses of the principal’s yawningly boring and strict set of rules, which literally begs to be broken:

“The most unboring school in the world – On a class trip” -background, cast, theatrical release

“Die unlangweiligste Schule der Welt – Auf Klassenfahrt” is a German film production directed by Ekrem Ergün (“Hördur – Zwischen den Welten”). The entertaining family film is based on the first volume of the bestselling children’s book series of the same name by Sabrina J. Kirschner.

The outstanding cast prevents boredom from setting in at the cinema. Actor Serkan Kaya (“The Peacock”) slips into the role of the mad inspector Rasputin Rumpus, while up-and-coming talent Lucas Herzog embodies the class troublemaker Maxe. Also appearing in front of the camera were comedian Max Giermann as Director Schnittlich, Oliver Korittke (“Bang Boom Bang – Ein todsicheres Ding”) as janitor Traufe and Felicitas Woll (“Berlin, Berlin”) as class teacher Frau Penne. The talented young stars Erna Westphal, German von Beug, Nasya Bozna, Leni Krame, Giorgio Perone and Otto Emil Koch are also convincing in the children’s roles.

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