Home Drama One for the Road

One for the Road

by Han

One for the Road: German comedy starring Nora Tschirner and Frederick Lau, who meet in an MPU course and together try to give up familiar habits.

Plot and background

During the day, Mark (Frederick Lau) is heavily demanded as the site manager of a large construction site in Berlin, after work he pursues a contrasting program. During boisterous business dinners and rampant forays through Berlin’s nightlife, the next excess is never far away. On one of these inebriated nights, the alcoholic businessman wants to move his car when he suddenly gets caught in a police checkpoint. His driver’s license is gone and Mark has the dreaded MPU on his hands.

He makes a bet with his best friend Nadim (Burak Yiğit): until he gets his driver’s license back, he won’t drink any more alcohol. At the MPU course, which Mark attends sullenly, he meets Helena (Nora Tschirner). When she joins his self-experiment, Mark confidently starts his new lifestyle. But as easy as the path to a healthy, alcohol-free life seems at first, the more difficult the bet turns out to be over time. Many funny moments, but also tough trials await Mark as he begins to give up familiar habits to find his own self.

The trailer for “One for the Road” features humorous scenes of Mark’s rocky road to sobriety:

“One for the Road” – background, cast, theatrical release

German filmmaking duo Markus Goller and Oliver Ziegenbalg return to theaters with their new co-production “One for the Road” following the theatrical success “25 km/h”. As with their previous joint films, Oliver Ziegenbalg wrote the screenplay, while Markus Goller took a seat in the director’s chair. “One for the Road” tells a story, taken right from life, about control and excess, loneliness and friendship, and about the rocky road to realizing what is really important in life.

Frederick Lau (“The Perfect Secret”) and Nora Tschirner (“Gut gegen Nordwind”) shine in the leading roles of the tragicomedy. Burak Yiğit (“Victoria”), Friederike Becht (“Im Labyrinth des Schweigens”), Godehard Giese (“Babylon Berlin”) and Nina Kunzendorf (“My Zoe”) can be seen in other roles.

The German theatrical release date for “One for the Road” is October 26, 2023.

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