Home Animation From tomorrow on Netflix: A Sylvester Stallone film that shows the absolute low point of the action star’s career

From tomorrow on Netflix: A Sylvester Stallone film that shows the absolute low point of the action star’s career

by Mike

A movie about Sylvester Stallone’s life will be available on Netflix from tomorrow. It includes the action star’s greatest low point, when he wanted to quit acting for good
Sylvester Stallonehas been one of the biggest Hollywood stars of all time for over 40 years. But his success was bought with blood, sweat and tears. From tomorrow, the documentarySlyon Netflix shows this, in which the worst moments of his life are not left outThe Godfatherplunged him into a crisis of meaning. A little later, he even sold his beloved dog for his biggest hit.

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Sly portrays the life of Stallone in 95 minutes. This includes not only the celebrated highlights such asRocky, theRambo series and his unprecedented action career in the 80s. The documentary also sheds light on how he fought his way out of poverty in the 1970sand came close to giving up.

Watch the English trailer for Sly here:

For a while, the future star received nothing but rejections. He wasn’t even allowed to play in a crowd scene in The Godfather with 300 actors. “What part of me didn’t fulfill the Italian identification aspect?”, he told People Magazine 44 years later.

An even more painful setback followed some time later before his Rocky breakthrough. In order to survive, Sylvester Stallone sold his beloved dog Butkus. He only got 60 dollars for the animal, but was able to get it back a short time later in exchange for a bizarre favor.

I gave up acting. I was done“,Stallone reveals in Sly about the extremely tough time before his star career. Apparently, however, his passion got the upper hand again. And ultimately carried him through over 40 years of action film history. Even his biggest rival, Arnold Schwarzenegger, acknowledges in the documentary: “The genius behind it was certainly no accident.

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