Home Trailer Sci-fi epic with a running time of 480 minutes on TV for the first time: alien invasion, which Steven Spielberg has already done much better

Sci-fi epic with a running time of 480 minutes on TV for the first time: alien invasion, which Steven Spielberg has already done much better

by Mike

Today and tomorrow, an epic sci-fi series with a running time of almost 8 hours can be seen on free TV for the first time. Steven Spielberg successfully took on the same template back in 2005

Humanity is addicted to alien invasions. It’s hard to explain why H.G. Wells’ famous sci-fi novel The War of the Worlds has been adapted so often. Today and tomorrowthe series adaptationWar of the Worldsfrom 2019 is being shown on TV for the first time.The running time of just under 8 hours for season 1 is bombastic.Steven Spielbergonly needed two hours for his adaptation, however.

On TV: 480 minutes of sci-fi bombast that is no match for Steven Spielberg

War of the Worlds revolves around an alien invasion that decimates the majority of humanity in a very short space of time.The survivors try to fathom the mysterious aggression of the invaders. And to find a weak point.

Watch the trailer for the War of the Worlds series here:

The series adaptation of Wells’ novel got some good, if hardly rave reviews (via Rotten Tomatoes ). The gold standard for a War of the Worlds adaptation remains Spielberg’s 2005 sci-fi highlight War of the Worlds

When is the War of the Worlds series on TV?

Season 1 of War of the Worlds will be shown in two installments on TVThis Friday, November 3, 2023, season 1 will start at 8:15 p.m.with the first four episodes. The remaining four will be broadcast on November 4 at the same time.

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