You can already watch six seasons full of dark sci-fi stories on Netflix. Now a seventh season of Black Mirror is set to arrive. But is its creator changing a criticism?
Since 2012, Black Mirror has been delivering mini-dystopias and horror stories that sometimes more, sometimes less exaggerate current events. The British series has been a permanent fixture on Netflix since 2016. After a long break, the 6th season was released this year, in which the streaming service itself also came under the satirical gun of creator Charlie Brooker. As Variety reports, the anthology series is going into a 7th round.
What is known about Black Mirror season 7?
The production of Black Mirror season 7 is scheduled to begin this year. Therefore, a start in 2024 is definitely within the realms of possibility. The well-established showrunner trio Charlie Brooker, Annabel Jones and Jessica Rhodes are set to return. After that, however, things get murky: there are no details about the cast, the plot of the individual episodes and the number of episodes is not yet known.
Plus: Will Black Mirror address a point of criticism that fans were upset about in season 6?

(Black Mirror)
Black Mirror had too little sci-fi in season 6, fans thought
Black Mirror is Netflix’s best sci-fi series on Moviepilot with a community rating of 8.3. But how much sci-fi was there in season 6? Not enough for some fans, who demanded, among other things: “Just cancel it”.
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Black Mirror tells a new story in every episode. However, only two of the five episodes from season 6 had clear sci-fi plots: Beyond the Sea and Joan is Awful. The remaining episodes were more in the satire and fantasy realm. According to Brooker, this change was a “conscious decision” because:
There was a danger that people would frame [Black Mirror] as a ‘technology-is-evil series’ – I found that a bit frustrating. Because the show isn’t saying that technology is bad, it’s saying that people are f***ed up.