Home Action Already 2 big names for Jungle Camp 2024: Overview of all confirmed participants (and 2 rumors)

Already 2 big names for Jungle Camp 2024: Overview of all confirmed participants (and 2 rumors)

by Han

Who’s in the 2024 jungle camp? RTL confirmed Cora Schuhmacher as the latest candidate for Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus. We show all the stars at a glance

Every year, RTL sends a dozen celebrities to the jungle in Australia. Germany’s still most popular trash show will take place again in January 2024. The level of fame of the stars is known to vary: at best, the production strikes a balance between fallen A-list celebrities and up-and-coming C-list celebrities. The mix of glamor and trash has to be right

The 2 sure-fire stars for Jungle Camp 2024

Real stars are naturally harder to come by than ex-candidates from The Bachelorette. Now the first contestants have been announced, and look at them: Both names should mean something even to people who haven’t watched every episode of Bachelor in Paradise. We’ll give you the rundown and show you which more hardcore star rumors are circulating

Dschungelcamp participant 1: Heinz Hoenig

(Heinz Hoenig)

(Heinz Hoenig)

Heinz Hoenig was confirmed by RTL at the beginning of December. The 72-year-old actor says of his participation: “I’ve never done anything like Jungle Camp before. It’s a challenge, I’m keen on it. And that’s why I’m going! Period.”

Where is Heinz Hoenig known from? Das Boot, The King of St. Pauli, 7 Dwarves – Men Alone in the Forest

Dschungelcamp participant 2: Cora Schuhmacher

Cora Schuhmacher is the latest contestant to be officially confirmed by RTL, reports DWDL . Schuhmacher is “on a journey to find myself”, she says. “I’m really looking forward to getting to know myself in a new way. That the viewer might get to know me in this way and accompany me on my journey to myself.”

Where is Cora Schuhmacher known from? Cora Schuhmacher is probably best known to the general public as the ex-wife of former Formula 1 driver Ralf Schuhmacher. For some years now, she has been part of the extended inventory of the trash landscape and was most recently part of the Club der guten Laune.

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The 2 hotly tipped stars for Jungle Camp 2024

Rumor candidate 1: Nico Legat is the son of former professional footballer and ex-Dschungelcamp participant Thorsten Legat and a contestant on Temptation Island, among others. His father has established himself as the mascot of the jungle show. Probability of participation: high

Rumor candidate 2: Felix von Jascheroff would be the standard soap star in the round, as the actor has been part of GZSZ since 2001 with several minor interruptions. Probability of participation: high

When will the jungle camp start in 2024?

RTL has not yet officially announced the start of Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus! In 2023, the show started on January 13; in the previous year, it started a week later in the month. Expect it to start on January 12 or 19, 2024

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