Home Netflix Netflix mystery with Florian David Fitz is set to become the new Dark – and is already trying to avoid the big Game of Thrones mistake

Netflix mystery with Florian David Fitz is set to become the new Dark – and is already trying to avoid the big Game of Thrones mistake

by Tommy

A new mystery series starring Florian David Fitz is set to follow in the footsteps of Dark at Netflix. To avoid falling into the biggest Game of Thrones trap, it has to navigate a fine line

Square, practical, Dark. Four letters that stand for the gold standard in Germany when it comes to Netflix hits. The crown for German mystery series on the streaming service will soon be snatched by Das Signal. In it, Florian David Fitz (The First Name) searches for a missing astronaut. In his opinion, the series must avoid a major Game of Thrones trap in order to be successful.

Florian David Fitz’s Netflix series should avoid a big Game of Thrones mistake

The Signal centers on Sven (Fitz), who is searching with his daughter Charlie (Yuna Bennett) for his missing wife Paula (Peri Baumeister). The astronaut has disappeared shortly after a mission, along with the plane that was supposed to take her home. However, Sven soon finds mysterious clues about her fate. Netflix recently released the first images and a start date:

Fans will only find out in a few months’ time whether Das Signal comes close to Dark. However, it was important to Fitz that the Netflix series did not repeat what many fans consider to be the biggest Game of Thrones mistake.

“We’ve all seen what happens when it’s all about breaking expectations – then you have the last season of Game of Thrones,” said the actor in an interview with Moviepilot about the challenges of a Netflix series. “But you still have to see how it remains exciting and touching and surprising and still comprehensible. “

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