Home Action One of the best zombie adventures of all time, which caused a scandal, is now being released in a new edition

One of the best zombie adventures of all time, which caused a scandal, is now being released in a new edition

by Tommy

The Last of Us Part 2 caused quite a stir and still divides the fan community today. Anyone who loves the second part or doesn’t even know it yet can now look forward to the remastered version, which is being released today and contains a few new features

Seven years after The Last of Us took the gaming market by storm, the second part of the popular zombie game was released in 2020. The predecessor had already won numerous awards, but The Last of Us Part 2 set a record with 300 awards, according to The Gamer. Now the game has been remastered for the PS5 and entices with improved graphics and additional features.

If you already own The Last of Us Part 2 for the PS4, you can upgrade to the new remaster for the PS5 in the PlayStation Store for around 10 euros. And if you haven’t yet seen the TV adaptation of the video game milestone, we can only warmly recommend it. You can get the Blu-ray of season 1 * 21 percent off at Amazon right now

This is new in the Remastered Edition of The Last of Us 2

The game’s graphics have been improved for the remastered PS5 version and 4K graphics output is now possible in playback fidelity mode. The difference to the PS4 version is minimal, however, as the console was able to upscale the game. So you can’t expect a completely new gaming experience, but fans should still be happy about one or two features.

For example, there is the new roguelike survival mode “No Return”, in which you embark on a survival course with various characters. The exciting thing about this is that the level constellations are constantly diced anew and whoever makes it to the brutal final battle and has risked a lot in the process can win even more resources

(The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered)

(The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered)

For those interested in the making of the game, the additional content includes the making-of, a podcast and a complete audio commentary for the main game. We are familiar with the Deleted Scenes from the bonus material for films and these are now also available in the gaming version of the remaster. Three levels were removed from the main game in an earlier development version and you can now play them in addition

The Last of Us Part 2: Storytelling triggers scandal

The Last of Us Part 2 has shown a lot of courage when it comes to storytelling. The unexpected plot has caused a real scandal that has split the fan community into two camps. One reason for this is the highly controversial appearance and plot of the character Abby. Many players were bothered by her masculinity, but what was worse was that she was responsible for the death of a fan favorite.

The character is voiced by actress Laura Bailey and since you can’t attack fictional characters, some angry gamers took their frustrations out on Bailey, showering her with hate comments and even death threats, as Forbes reported.

The furor from back then recently boiled over again when it came to speculation for the Abby cast in the second season of The Last of Us. It has now been confirmed that Kaitlyn Dever will take on the role, and fans fear for the actress’ safety.

The Last of US Part 2 Remastered on Amazon

However, the scandal has also highlighted how accustomed we are to the same old storylines and characters. The fact that The Last of Us Part 2 breaks with convention and stands out from the crowd makes the game something very special for many fans

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