Home Trailer Does Tom Cruise hate part 3 of his biggest action series? New video provides shocking proof

Does Tom Cruise hate part 3 of his biggest action series? New video provides shocking proof

by Tommy

For a new commercial, the Mission: Impossible series with Tom Cruise was summarized in a video. Part 3, however, is missing completely. Coincidence or deliberate aversion?

Fans will have to wait quite a while for the next Mission: Impossible movie in the cinema. Part 8 is not due to be released until next year. Until then, you can stream the previous action series with Tom Cruise on Paramount+ with a subscription.

Attention has now been drawn to this once again with a trailer that was broadcast at the Super Bowl 2024. However, it quickly became apparent that not all parts of the franchise are included in the 90-second spot

Mission: Impossible 3 is missing from the supercut of the entire series

On X (formerly Twitter), Cruise shared the clip, in which the previous action series is summarized again. He – or at least his social media team – writes that it was difficult to summarize seven films in just 90 seconds. But it should have been fun:

Amidst all the fun, one movie in the action series was left out. One X user, visual effects expert Todd Todd Vaziri, noticed immediately after the release that Mission: Impossible 3 was completely missing from the commercial:

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This omission raises three questions:

Is the missing M:I 3 an oversight?
In the eyes of those responsible for the commercial, does the third installment not offer enough spectacular stunt setpieces compared to the other films?
Or does Tom Cruise hate the blockbuster himself?

It remains to be seen whether we will get answers to these burning questions.

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