Home Action One of the biggest scandal directors of all time is making a film again after 20 years – and now the perfect star is on board in the form of Aubrey Plaza

One of the biggest scandal directors of all time is making a film again after 20 years – and now the perfect star is on board in the form of Aubrey Plaza

by Mike

Trash pope John Waters is making his first film in 20 years with the adaptation of his own novel Liarmouth. Now Aubrey Plaza is to play the lead role, which would be the perfect casting.
With scandalous films such as Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble, John Waters became a celebrated cult director of the underground scene. His work is not only bursting with slapstick and situation comedy, but often unleashes a white-trash hell of explicit violence, sex and disgusting excrement.

The American, who has also been dubbed the trash pope, made his last feature film in 2004 with the brutal comedy A Dirty Shame. Now Waters is about to make his big directorial comeback. With Liarmouth, he is adapting his own novel, which was published in 2022. The perfect lead role for it is now said to have been found

Scandal God’s film comeback: Aubrey Plaza is to star in John Waters’ Liarmouth

Aubrey Plaza has reportedly been cast in the lead role of Waters’ new film, according to the UK Guardian following an exclusive from the World of Reel blog. Plaza has appeared in films such as Ingrid Goes West and Emily the Criminal and series such as The White Lotus in recent years. Her often coarse, cheeky manner makes her the ideal John Waters leading lady. The casting has not yet been officially confirmed

(Aubrey Plaza in The White Lotus)

(Aubrey Plaza in The White Lotus)

2022 Dazed previously reported that the actress practically threw herself at the director’s feet to star in his new movie. Plaza wrote him an email because, in her opinion, she even looks exactly like the protagonist on the cover of Waters’ novel.

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The story of Liarmouth revolves around the main character Marsha Sprinkle, who is a con artist and engages in petty crime with her boyfriend Daryl. After breaking up with him, she embarks on a road trip full of sex and crime. In the process, she steals money from her mother and daughter, which sets off a deadly duel between all three women.

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