After more than ten years, the popular Riddick series is finally being continued. Action star Vin Diesel, who has played Riddick since the first film Pitch Black, is back. It is now being released in a new 3-disc special edition for home cinema.
The Riddick series is one of Vin Diesel’s favorite projects, which is why he is always working on sequels to continue the story of the anti-hero Richard B. Riddick. After more than ten years, the green light has finally been given for a fourth installment in the series, which began in 2000 with Pitch Black – Planet of Darkness. Today sees the release of a new home cinema edition of the first movie in top picture quality and with extensive bonus material.

(Pitch Black in the new 3Disc Special Edition)
This is what sci-fi horror Pitch Black is about
A transport spaceship crashes on a dusty, overheated planet surrounded by three suns. Among the survivors is felon Richard B. Riddick (Diesel). But he is not the greatest danger on the planet, because there are plenty of bloodthirsty creatures living there. They are actually only to be found in dark caves, as they cannot tolerate light. But now, of all times, a total solar eclipse is approaching and the fight for survival begins for Riddick and the other passengers.
After a break of over ten years, the Riddick series continues
Four years after the first part, Riddick: Chronicles of a Warrior was released in 2004. The third installment, Riddick: Survival is His Revenge, was then a full nine years away and another eleven years have passed since then, but Vin Diesel and regular director David Twohy are sticking with the popular sci-fi series. Last year, it was officially confirmed that Riddick 4: Furya had been given the green light.
In January, Deadline then reported that the sale of licenses had started in order to finance the film. Twohy had again written the screenplay, Diesel would produce the film and play the lead role. A sequel is not least thanks to the fans, who have been demanding a fourth part for years. A start date is still unclear, but the plot is already known.
Pitch Black in a new special edition
“In this new movie, we return to Riddick’s home world, where we can finally explore the origins of Riddick,” explained Twohy. Riddick can barely remember this place and fears that the Necromonger meanies may not have left much of him. Surprisingly, he finds other Furyans, and some are more like him than he could ever have dreamed. Together they must fight for survival against a new enemy.