Home Action New allegations against Dwayne Johnson: Up to 8 hours delay and 50 million dollars damage during action shoot

New allegations against Dwayne Johnson: Up to 8 hours delay and 50 million dollars damage during action shoot

by Dennis

Insider information about the postponement of the shooting of the new Dwayne Johnson action blockbuster Red One has emerged. The Rock is said to have attracted negative attention on set with his chronic unpunctuality

A reminder that Dwayne Johnson pees in empty water bottles to save time was probably not in your head before you read this. However, the actor’s behavior is no secret. In 2021, he himself revealed that he prefers to use quick relief instead of public toilets in the gym.

Now an explosive report has emerged about the filming of Johnson’s upcoming Amazon action blockbuster Red One, which also stars Captain America star Chris Evans. Here, insider sources paint a picture of The Rock that is the opposite of a time-saving overperformer. Instead, his chronic unpunctuality is said to have led to major financial problems

Action shoot reportedly escalated over Dwayne Johnson

The Wrap has the comprehensive report, in which several anonymous voices have their say. They did not want to identify themselves for fear of being fired. This is therefore not officially confirmed information, which describes Johnson as regularly unpunctual. On average, it is said to have been an average of seven to eight hours late.

The star is also said not to have appeared at all on some days of filming, which meant that the team had to shoot scenes around the actor’s absence. One insider says, for example:

The only thing Dwayne could consistently do was be chronically late.

The Wrap article cites examples from the past where The Rock is said to have attracted negative attention on movie sets by being late. While filming the Netflix blockbuster Red Notice, Ryan Reynolds is said to have flipped out after having to wait five hours for the star. This is said to have led to a major argument between the two. However, this incident has not been officially confirmed.

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The upcoming Amazon blockbuster Red One, which was originally scheduled to be released around Christmas 2023 and then pushed back to November 2024, is said to have cost at least 50 million dollars more due to Johnson’s constant delays

Here you can watch the Red Notice trailer again:

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