Home Animation The 7-part mini-series that was an unexpected hit on Netflix: It begins and ends in one afternoon

The 7-part mini-series that was an unexpected hit on Netflix: It begins and ends in one afternoon

by Han

A thriller series on Netflix recently became a surprise hit. You can finish watching the gripping story about three missing people in just a few hours

True crime podcasts as a hype topic, bitter black humor as a foundation and the picturesque Irish landscape as a backdrop: these three ingredients may explain the success of the Netflix series Bodkin, which recently became the streaming service’s absolute thriller hit. Anyone who is already overwhelmed by all the series on offer can rest assured: If you set aside five hours, you can get to the startling finale of the gripping series in an afternoon, as our sister site Sensacine writes.

This is what the Netflix hit Bodkin is about

One day, two completely different parties meet in the Irish hamlet of Bodkin. US podcaster Gilbert (Will Forte) wants to explore his Irish roots and drags his assistant Emmy (Robyn Cara) along with him

Watch the trailer for Bodkin here:

He is particularly interested in an old criminal case in which three people disappeared without a trace. The cold-blooded journalist Dove (Siobhán Cullen), who wants to solve the death of an informant, also comes across the mystery.

Bodkin received many above-average positive reviews at the start, as Rotten Tomatoes shows. Rogerebert.com, for example, considers the Netflix adventure “one of the best series of the year”.

All 155 new Netflix series this year

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