Home Action Stephen King unveils the scariest horror scene of all time – you can stream it on Amazon Prime

Stephen King unveils the scariest horror scene of all time – you can stream it on Amazon Prime

by Mike

Even as a master of horror, Stephen King still scares himself. In an article, he revealed what he considers to be the scariest horror scene of all time. The movie streams on subscription.

With classics such as The Shining, Cemetery of the Cuddly Animals and It, Stephen King has written some of the scariest and most popular horror novels of all time. But that doesn’t mean the cult author can’t still scare the pants off himself. Collider has picked up on an older article by King in which he describes the scariest horror scene ever for him personally. You can currently stream the movie directly in the subscription

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In the Entertainment Weekly article, which King wrote in 2008 on the occasion of the release of the horror film The Strangers, the author discusses why so many Hollywood productions fail in the horror genre.

Among other things, he writes that, at its best, horror is a very intimate experience that touches the emotions as well as the imagination. Then he talks about what he considers to be the best horror scene in film history:

‘The scariest scene I can remember is in The Night of the Living Dead. The heroine of the cemetery visit, Barbara, is chased back to her car by a staggering zombie with white hair and dazed eyes. She locks herself in and realizes that her brother has stolen the keys.
The zombie reaches down, finds a rock and starts banging it powerlessly against the car window. The first time I saw this (and twice more afterward), I was completely overwhelmed by the scene.

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King’s praise for the film is not unjustified, as Night of the Living Dead is an absolute classic of the genre. With its mix of gruesome suspense and socio-critical message, it ranks alongside Zombie – Dawn of the Dead by George A. Romero as one of the most influential zombie films ever made.

(The Night of the Living Dead)

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