Home Netflix Jessica Alba becomes a Netflix Rambo: new film from John Wick makers thrills with intense fight scenes

Jessica Alba becomes a Netflix Rambo: new film from John Wick makers thrills with intense fight scenes

by Mike

You can now stream the next action thriller from Netflix. Jessica Alba transforms into a fighting machine somewhere between John Wick and Rambo.
While the hype surrounding In the Water of the Seine is slowly dying down, Netflix is unpacking the next movie highlight that promises action and suspense in a nerve-wracking thriller. Trigger Warning is the title of the new blockbuster, which you can now watch on the streaming service. The lead role is played by Jessica Alba.

Alba has made herself scarce in recent years. Thanks to films such as Honey, Sin City and Fantastic Four, it’s hard to imagine cinema in the 2000s without her. Most recently, she was on TV with the crime series L.A.’s Finest, which was a spin-off from the Bad Boys series. Now she’s having her big Netflix moment

Trigger Warning on Netflix: Jessica Alba embarks on a bloody vendetta

In Trigger Warning, Alba takes on the role of elite soldier Parker, who returns home after many years. The reason is a sad one: the death of her father. It’s not long before Parker discovers several inconsistencies that call into question whether her father actually died of natural causes.

Here you can watch the trailer for Trigger Warning:

So she sets off in search of clues and soon finds herself caught in a web of lies and betrayal. Senator Swann (Anthony Michael Hall) in particular is a thorn in her side. Which complicates matters: One of his sons, Jesse (Mark Webber), is Parker’s ex-boyfriend. The whole family seems to be hiding something from her.

Trigger Warning doesn’t faff around for long. The 106-minute action thriller unleashes Alba as a merciless angel of vengeance, who fights her way through the neighborhood with no regard for casualties. Even if the story doesn’t win any prizes in terms of originality, the film impresses with a strong leading actress and plenty of action.

Or in the words of the Hollywood Reporter :

[Trigger Warning is] mostly an excuse for [Jessica] Alba to show off her impressive physical fitness in a series of intense fight scenes that are expertly choreographed so that you see bodies in motion, not just flying limbs in frantic jump cuts.

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