Home Action Cult on Amazon Prime: stream the sequel to an absolute classic that hardly anyone knows exists

Cult on Amazon Prime: stream the sequel to an absolute classic that hardly anyone knows exists

by Dennis

For years, fans begged for a sequel to their favorite cult film, but the directors refused to give it a chance. A few years ago, it finally came – but in a different way than expected.
A bathrobe, beard and long hair. Lots of alcohol and milk cartons for the White Russian. A bowling team. Pretty much any movie enthusiast can put these clues together and come up with a movie that has burned itself into the hearts and minds of countless fans.

The Big Lebowski is without question cult and is still regularly and passionately quoted in many circles almost 30 years after its release. A sequel by directors Joel and Ethan Coen never materialized. But a few years ago, the actor of one of the film’s most iconic characters took matters into his own hands and created a spin-off that continues the world of Big Lebowski.

The result is a gangster comedy with and about bowling antagonist Jesus: Jesus Rolls – No one takes the piss out of Jesus. You can currently watch it with a streaming subscription on Amazon Prime

Jesus Rolls on Amazon Prime sends you on a road trip full of absurd situations

Jesus Quintana (John Turturro) may have disappeared for a while in prison – and helped the prison team to a legendary bowling victory. But now he’s back on the loose, he’s certainly not going to let unnecessary things like common sense stop him. He needs a ride. And where to get it if not by stealing it?

Jesus’ buddy Petey (Bobby Cannavale) isn’t exactly keen on the idea. Nevertheless, he is on board when Jesus cracks open the magnificent V8 of hair stylist Paul Dominique (Jon Hamm). Only Dominique notices. Despite having their guns drawn, Jesus and Petey are not so easily scared off. With a bullet wound, the V8 and Dominique’s lover (Audrey Tautou), the two manage to escape.

(Audrey Tautou and John Turturro in Jesus Rolls)

(Audrey Tautou and John Turturro in Jesus Rolls)

So begins a first-class road trip for the bowling legend and his best buddy with all the craziness that goes with it: encounters of the erotic and criminal kind, the flight forward and the great unknown.

Stream the Big Lebowski sequel Jesus Rolls now on Amazon Prime

Jesus Rolls is both a Big Lebowski sequel and the remake of a controversial original

First of all, if you’re hoping for a return of Jeff Bridges as “the Dude” or more stories about his core troupe, you’re unfortunately wrong about Jesus Rolls. Instead, the film is a declaration of love to – who else – Jesus Quintana. And it was written and directed by none other than his actor John Turturro. The person who first brought the character to life in front of the camera and shaped her iconic quirks.

You can look forward to a lot of absurdity in the same world of The Big Lebowski. Turturro created his spin-off for Jesus with the blessing of the Coen brothers, who officially put the character in his hands. Turturro was assisted by a whole stable of brilliant actors who know their way around surreal chaos, including Susan Sarandon and Christopher Walken.

(Three lunatics on the run in Jesus Rolls)

(Three lunatics on the run in Jesus Rolls)

In addition to its role as a spin-off and sequel, the film has also set itself another task: It’s a remake of the French film The Outsiders, which was controversial in its day due to its abundance of sexual and morally gray content. Morally gray areas, erotic comedy, generally questionable decisions – and Jesus. Sounds like a good mix? It is.

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