A failed fantasy adaptation gets a second chance as a series in August. Before that, you can watch the flopped movie version of Fallen on Amazon Prime
The number of young adult book series that failed after a movie and were supposed to launch a big movie franchise à la Twilight or Harry Potter is huge. Even the fantasy saga Fallen did not make it past part 1 in 2016, despite the popular 4-volume original. You can currently watch this first attempt, Fallen – Angel’s Night, on Amazon Prime *. After all, after the success of Maxton Hall, boarding school stories are back in high demand. You have one month before the new series version starts
Now on Amazon: Failed fantasy film adaptation Fallen gets a new chance
In the early 2010s, the Fallen series of novels by US author Lauren Kate was an integral part of any bookshop. The young adult fantasy books Angel Night*, Angel Morning, Angel Flames and Angel Light (or in the original: Fallen, Torment, Passion and Rapture) spawned further novel collections and spin-offs even after they ended and dominated the New York Times bestseller list. It goes without saying that a film had to be made to capture the supernatural boarding school story
Watch the trailer for Fallen – Angel’s Night here:
In Fallen, 17-year-old Lucinda Price (Addison Timlin) is sent to the Swords & Cross Academy’s reform school for troubled teens. She is accused of being responsible for the death of a teenager in a fire. In Arriane (Daisy Head) and Cam (Harrison Gilbertson), she at least quickly makes friends at the new school. However, it is above all the mysterious Daniel Grigori (Jeremy Irvine) that Luce soon can’t get out of her head. However, when living shadows enter her life, the teenager begins to believe that dark supernatural forces are at work. Fortunately, she has a guardian angel …
Scott Hicks (The Lucky One) remade the film for cinema in 2016, but it barely recouped its budget of 40 million US dollars. As a result, the Angel’s Night sequel announced by Variety at the time also came to nothing. But now, eight years later, Fallen is getting a second chance.
Saving Fallen: The new Angel’s Night is coming as a fantasy series
The success of Maxton Hall recently showed Amazon that interest in romantic young adult books in a school setting is unbroken. Now the fantasy series Fallen Lauren is set to relaunch Kate’s work next month, with Jessica Alexander (Luce), Gijs Blom (Daniel) and Timothy Innes (Cam) playing the main roles. Sky and its streaming service WOW will launch the 8 episodes of the new edition on August 12, 2024 with two episodes per week

(Fallen Angel Night: The Series)
However, we won’t find out whether the attempt at a revival succeeds until after season 1, as the comparable hit novel Vampire Academy with its supernatural school and love triangle was also relaunched as a series called Vampire Academy eight years after the first cinema failure and then went under again. The young adult book series Percy Jackson: The Series, on the other hand, was renewed for a second season on Disney+ after its theatrical failure following part 2.