Home Thriller Stephen King loves this German Netflix series: the revenge thriller returns in 2 weeks

Stephen King loves this German Netflix series: the revenge thriller returns in 2 weeks

by Dennis

Fack ju Göhte star Jella Haase returns as a spy in the German thriller series Kleo. Season 2 starts in a few days on Netflix

In a few days, Jella Haase will be gracing your screens at home again in her bright red tracksuit as a tough GDR spy. Around two years after its premiere on Netflix, the revenge thriller series Kleo is about to start its second season. And it promises yet more brilliantly absurd action with a retro look. Will Stephen King be thrilled again?

Jella Haase is Kleo: German Netflix hit returns with season 2

In season 1 of the Netflix hit, we saw how spy and professional assassin Kleo Straub (Haase) was betrayed by her home country, the GDR, three years before the fall of the Berlin Wall. After reunification, she seeks revenge and becomes part of a huge conspiracy that takes her all the way to the Chilean desert.

Hot on her heels are policeman Sven (Dimitrij Schaad) and hitman Uwe (Vincent Redetzki), who have prison and death in mind for Kleo. But things soon turn out very differently …

Watch the trailer for Kleo season 2 here:

In season 2, Kleo and Sven once again chase after the mysterious red suitcase, which is no longer in the custody of Min Sun (Yun Huang). But others still want to get their hands on the important object: The CIA and KGB have the same goal in mind and make the chaos complete.

Kleo became a German export hit on Netflix, which was even celebrated by Stephen King

While the Moviepilot community gave the German Netflix series a mixed 6.7 out of 10 points, critics were also very enthusiastic about the first season internationally. On Rotten Tomatoes, for example, Kleo has a press score of 92 percent with 12 reviews. And horror legend Stephen King also had nothing but praise for the German export hit. He described the series with Jella Haase as a “breath of fresh air”.

Whether he will sing similar praises again for the second season of Kleo remains to be seen. The new season starts with six episodes on July 25, 2024 on Netflix. In addition to Jella Haase and Dimitrij Schaad (Die Känguru-Chroniken), Vincent Redetzki (Sommer vorm Balkon), Julius Feldmeier (Babylon Berlin), Steffi Kühnert (Der gleiche Himmel), Anna Stieblich (Türkisch für Anfänger) and Marta Sroka (Junk Space Berlin) return in the sequel.

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