Home Netflix Blake Lively’s best movie is a really exciting thriller that you can stream on Netflix right now

Blake Lively’s best movie is a really exciting thriller that you can stream on Netflix right now

by Tommy

A streaming highlight with It Ends with Us star Blake Lively is hiding on Netflix. The heist thriller is her top-rated movie

Blake Lively is currently conquering movie screens with Just One More Time – It Ends with Us. But you also have the chance to see the actress on the small screen. Because her best movie is currently streaming on Netflix. We’re talking about The Town – City without Mercy

The Town with Blake Lively on Netflix: This is what the heist thriller is about

In The Town, bank robber Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) regularly cleans out the big financial institutions in Boston with his gang and really makes a killing. However, his success is undermined when he falls in love with a former hostage, bank manager Claire (Rebecca Hall).

Suddenly Doug has to choose between his newfound love and his loyalty to his gang. And when the FBI comes knocking, the noose tightens ever tighter …

The Town is the highest-rated film in Blake Lively’s filmography

Blake Lively takes on the role of Krista Coughlin, the sister of gang member Jem (Jeremy Renner), in the film directed by leading actor Ben Affleck. Even though Lively only has a small role here, she knows how to captivate the audience with her performance in just a few scenes and leave a lasting impression.

The Town is still considered one of her best roles, for which she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the San Diego Critics Awards in 2010. With a press score of 92 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, the thriller tops the list of the best-rated works in Lively’s filmography, while the Moviepilot community also gives The Town a strong 7.3 out of 10 points.

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