Home Thriller Streaming: A really gripping thriller from the Yellowstone creator that surprises with its toughness

Streaming: A really gripping thriller from the Yellowstone creator that surprises with its toughness

by Dennis

In addition to his hit series Yellowstone, Taylor Sheridan has also made several films. On Amazon Prime, you can rent or buy his gripping and stirring thriller Wind River with MCU star Elizabeth Olsen

In recent years, Taylor Sheridan has made a name for himself as a showrunner and screenwriter, particularly with his successful series Yellowstone. He has also worked as a director. His work behind the camera includes the thriller drama Wind River, in which Marvel stars Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner play the leading roles.

You can rent or buy the gripping action-thriller drama with violent scenes from providers such as Amazon Prime after the TV broadcast. Wind River is currently not available as a streaming flat rate anywhere

Thriller recommendation: This is what Wind River is about

On the reservation in Wyoming that gives the film its title, game warden Cory Lambert (Renner) comes across the body of the murdered indigenous woman Natalie (Kelsey Asbille), who was also the best friend of his daughter, who is similarly deceased. Jane Banner (Olsen), an inexperienced FBI agent, is sent to the frosty region to investigate the case.

The murder case, in which the agent is to be assisted by the experienced hunter Lambert, quickly brings to light deep wounds and unresolved traumas of the people in this place.

Here you can watch the German trailer for Wind River:

Thriller from the Yellowstone creator gets under your skin in many layers

Wind River combines slow suspense with dramatically touching fates. In his stories, Taylor Sheridan prefers to look at the borderlands of the USA
and the mythological significance of America’s outer borders. He always combines stylistic devices of modern westerns with a social and political context.

Wind River is another such film that increasingly pushes the actual criminal case into the background. In addition, Sheridan tells more about the tensions and grievances of an America that makes deep scars visible when dealing with its own history and the treatment of its indigenous peoples.
For example, when Jeremy Renner’s character meets the father of the murdered Natalie, Wind River devotes a few, but all the more poignant scenes to two men who are fatefully connected and have to wrestle with the loss of their child. In this way, the film becomes a larger examination of social conditions, showing their emotional outbursts in miniature.

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