Home Action A real highlight on Disney+: after this psychological crime series, you’ll never dare to lie again.

A real highlight on Disney+: after this psychological crime series, you’ll never dare to lie again.

by Tommy

In three seasons of this thrilling crime series on Disney+, we experience a dynamic team solving crimes. In doing so, even the tiniest, most inconspicuous detail can lead to a big discovery.

In the series Lie to Me, criminals are exposed in a special way with the help of the sarcastic Dr. Cal Lightman. Lightman and his team have dedicated themselves to a very special method of investigating criminal cases. With a Disney+ subscription, you can stream all the episodes of our crime tip by subscription.

What is Lie to Me on Disney+ about?

The eccentric psychologist Dr. Cal Lightman (Tim Roth) is an expert in the field of body language and is therefore considered a human lie detector. Over the years, he has built up a motley team of employees who have acquired their expertise through intensive study or natural talent.

His clients seek out the Lightman Group, as they call themselves, for a variety of reasons. Without exception, Lightman’s assignments end in the solving of crimes in which distinguishing between the truth and lies of those involved plays a crucial role.

Watch another Lie to Me trailer here:

The Lightman Group often finds itself in conflict situations internally, as their cases repeatedly expose them to interpersonal abysses. In addition, the heightened ability of all team members to see through their counterparts so easily when they lie poses a challenge for their private lives.

The crime series Lie to Me on Disney+ skillfully balances on the precipice

With Lie to Me, a special crime series has been created. Based on the real-life findings of psychologist Paul Ekmann and his book on body language, the focus is on a simple but effective method.

Far removed from high-tech forensic analysis or comprehensive databases, the characters of the Lightman Group are a refreshing change. Instead of glamorous gadgets, the grouchy Cal Lightman and his colleagues can only fall back on their expertise. In doing so, they poke around in the dark delusions of their clients, which can certainly become a danger.

Unlike many other crime series, Lie to Me does without hard-hitting action or shocking moments of violence. What captivates you here are the dark psychological revelations and unexpected “aha!” moments that arise from their investigations.

In addition, the audience is presented with Cal Lightman, an interesting but unpredictable main character who occasionally gets in the way of his own team – and himself. A pleasant counterbalance is provided, for example, by the laid-back psychologist Gillian Foster (Kelli Williams) or the headstrong ex-security officer Ria Torres (Monica Raymund).

The diverse dynamics between the protagonists and their personal relationship to truth and lies give the series a contemplative touch. This makes Lie to Me all the more of an unusually exciting, intelligent crime thriller experience.

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